<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> How It works

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> How It works

This time tracker helps you and your team to keep track of your projects and the hours you have worked. You can see how much has been worked on a project and how much it has already cost. You can also see whether employees are working too much or too little.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Projects

In this database you track all your projects.

To start a new project, press "+ new".

Then enter the Estimated Time for the project. You will be shown live if you have enough time left or if the time is already used up. You change the "Status" as soon as you start a project or it is finished.

In the Progress Bar you see how much % of the time is already used.

You see 3 different views, for 3 different statuses: In progress, Not started and Done. As soon as you start a new project, you press "Time Tracker" at the bottom of the page, now you can see all the work done for this project: tasks from today, from the last 30 days, over all, over all sorted in months and for the whole year.

You can see at the bottom how many hours and how much money the project took in the specific time period.

Total Time and price for Project 01 in the past 30 days

Total Time and price for Project 01 in the past 30 days

Press “TimeTracker” when you start a new Project

Press “TimeTracker” when you start a new Project


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Persons

As with projects, if you want to add a new person, press "+new" and press "TimeTracker" at the bottom.

Then enter the time the person has to work per week in "Goal Work/Week".

When you have pressed "TimeTracker", you will now see a database with various views at the bottom: Today, Yesterday, last 30 days, years, overall months (grouped) ,overall, calendar.

As soon as a day at work is over, the person goes to their page and fills in the tasks they have done. If they are in the "today" view, today's date is automatically inserted, if they are in the "yesterday" view, yesterday's date is automatically added.

In the other views, the person can check if they haven't forgotten a day. In the calendar, they can see all their work over the whole month.

The “time worked status” are for 5 day weeks and only calculate days when a task was tracked


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> TimeTracker

Track Your Time

As you have seen, the projects and the people have the timetracker in their pages. This is the database where the completed tasks are registered. ONCE AGAIN: This template is not a task management system. It is used to track completed tasks. When you make a new entry in a person's or project's page, you select a person who did the task and the project the task was for. Then you specify how much time it took to do it and the date the task was completed.

Choose a “location/work" , for location the hourly wage is $10, for location 18, $180. Depending on who worked and where the work was done (home office costs less than office work).




<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Change Location Price or Name

To change the name of the location, you must change the name in the "Select" Property.

then you go into the formula of the column "Total Price" (just click on the field) and have to replace the name of the old one with the new one.

Change Loaction Name.mkv

to change the price that the location costs per hour, follow these instructions:

find the name of the location in the formula and go to the right until you get to a number. This is the price this location costs per hour. you can insert any number you want.

change location price.mkv
