Welcome to the goal tracker. Distributed over the template you will find 5 databases that will help you to reach your goals.


Here you can write down your goal. You can set an exact due date and specify the goal type, the status and the Term (weekly, monthly…) of the goal. If you scroll down, you will see a "button" called New Goal. If you press it, you will later see the Milestones and Actions you set here and below you can specify your goal.



Milestones help you to break down your goals into smaller "sub-goals". So to speak, benchmarks that help you to reach smaller goals in a shorter time that help you to reach the big goals. Each milestone can be linked to a goal and a due date can be given.


You link each goal to a year. This way you always have an overview of how many goals you have set for a year and how many you have already achieved.

Press the "new Year" button below to see the goals you have linked to the year.


Areas help you to group your goals. If you have many goals later, it is difficult to keep track of them. With the areas you can manage your goals and keep them organized. When you create a new area, press the "new area" button at the bottom so that you can also see the goals you have saved in this area.



Actions are the things you do to reach your goals and milestones. Even if you only go jogging for 5 minutes, it's an action that helps you reach your big goal. Also make sure every action has a goal.